SAIL TAX -Computes & laser prints submittable
Sales Tax returns. Now includes unlimited efiling!
SAIL TAX "breezes" through sales tax returns quickly and easily. Now you or your staff can do your sales tax returns on your personal computer the professional way. Saves you valuable time and increases profitability.
SAIL TAX is extremely fast, and simple to learn and use. Set up and do returns immediately. Simple returns done in 60 seconds start to finish! Saves even more time on difficult returns.
Gets the job done quickly,
easily, accurately...professionally.
Helps eliminate
unnecessary correspondence with the state.
Helps keep you current
on sales tax regulations.
solution to tight timing between liability and due dates.
Accountants -No more
chasing clients for their preprinted forms.
No more hand written
return or spending time typing returns.
No more checking and
rechecking returns for math errors.
No more amounts on the
wrong lines.
Now includes IDOR approved Electronic Filing… 2 or 3 clicks and it’s efiled!
Accountants have been depending on SAIL TAX for over 30 years. Please ask us for references.
Click on Downloads below to get the latest SailTax-IL for Windows Update.
Click HereSail Tax Downloads ...for Sail Tax downloads
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Voice phone: (847) 458-5740 or (800) 963-1212